We provide ideal conditions for Phase F PVS - patients in a persistent vegetative state who display a certain activation potential. Their family receives advice, guidance and support. We work closely with experts and self-help groups. The PVS unit in St. Josef is a special facility that also caters for younger patients aged 18 and over with places for 27 patients.
Activating care
Our work in the PVS unit of St. Josef is aimed at maximising activation potential together with the patient. We focus on movement and sensory perception, we train chewing and swallowing skills, as well as the ability to communicate.
We try to reach the patient by administering controlled stimulation treatment and by following rituals. Based on systematic observation and documentation of the activation process, possible or necessary further measures can be initiated.
Professional handling of tracheal cannulas and tracheostomy care is ensured as well as the handling of mechanical ventilation and medical equipment.
Competence centre in Upper Bavaria
The Bavarian framework concept for Phase F PVS patients envisages the care of patients by specially qualified carers and assistants in facilities specialised in brain injuries for up to two years in order to pave the way for patients possibly being cared for at home or for another neurological convalescent period, as well as ensuring support services for family caregivers. Haus St. Josef is just such a competence centre for Upper Bavaria.
A one-to-one nurse-to-patient ratio is provided for care level 3 and some 75 per cent of the staff are qualified professionals. The unit is medically supported by experienced specialist doctors.