When you visit our residence in the west of Munich, especially in the summer months, you are welcomed by nature in all its glory. Fragrant rose bushes fringe the path to the entrance, while the perimeter fence of the cafeteria is decked in lush foliage. Large nature pictures dominate the bright lobby with its friendly atmosphere.
Built in 2008, the residence is located close to Laim’s boundary to Pasing, surrounded by a beautiful park and pond. It is easy to reach by public transport with bus and tram stops on the doorstep. Designed with small residential units, modern single and double rooms and spacious community areas, the residence offers the ideal conditions for individual care.

Primary nursing and care of residents with MS
We offer personal care and assistance for up to 224 elderly people. By engaging with your personal needs and your biography, we create a living environment in which you can maintain your independence while enjoying social involvement. With our primary nursing service, we offer intensive personal care that is provided by a fixed team of carers who attend to your needs.
Residents with MS will find that our residence is designed to meet their needs. The ground-floor living area has direct access to the cafeteria and garden - and our physiotherapy room. Our team of carers, social educators and occupational therapists works closely with the Deutsche Multiple-Sklerose-Gesellschaft in its care of our residents. Massages and pain therapy, consultations and relaxation methods also help to alleviate the symptoms.
Enhanced enjoyment of life with plants and animals
If you or your family member is a nature lover, then Alfons-Hoffmann-Haus is for you. In our green care approach, we actively incorporate plants and animals into our therapeutic work, because they not only offer sensuous experiences, but also stimulate interest and participation. Our residents enjoy a field-to-fork experience in that they harvest, prepare and eat vegetables and fruit they have grown themselves. A fountain, paths, benches and a "yummy" patch with berry bushes invite residents to linger in the large garden.
For residents who are no longer quite so active, our gardening service comes to them so they can do some gardening in their rooms. And not only the alpacas, sheep and guinea pigs on their regular visits from the adventure farm are welcome, but your pets, too, will find a home with us.

Do you have any questions or would you like to arrange a viewing? Please call us or write to us.
Agnes-Bernauer-Straße 185
80687 München
+49 89 54647 0
Want to apply for a nursing home place? Use our digital application portal and submit all your documents online.