The new Franz-Nißl-Straße residence will be MÜNCHENSTIFT’s latest addition on its completion in 2025. The new home for the elderly is being built directly adjacent to Allach’s central Oertelplatz at the heart of Allach-Untermenzing. The residence is designed in line with an outreach concept in which residents take part in the social life of the district while urban life takes place in the residence.
A home for the elderly open to all Allach’s inhabitants
After MÜNCHENSTIFT acquired the site, extensive discussions took place with local residents, the responsible district committee, and local councillors. The main criticism was that on the scale envisaged, the care home would not blend into the surrounding area. Many of the concerns of the local inhabitants and politicians were addressed, resulting in various modifications.
In 2017, the city council approved the development plan for the project. It envisages some 204 places for residents in need of care and 17 apartments offering serviced living accommodation. Single rooms account for some 75% of the facility. In tune with the outreach concept, the residence will also offer day care for elderly locals, as well as a function hall for local use and a public cafeteria that opens out onto the street.
Design competition
To ensure that the residence blended in with its surroundings, the district committee, planning department and MÜNCHENSTIFT agreed to carry out an architecture call. In May 2020, following intensive discussions, the jury cast a unanimous vote in favour of the plan submitted by Nickl & Partner Architekten. The winning entry includes a real wood façade and vibrantly designed outer skin.
Do you have questions about the new building or would like to move in after completion? Please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
General information
Kirchseeoner Staße 3
81669 München
+49 89 62020 300