External Company Regulations

While working on MÜNCHENSTIFT property, you may be exposed to special hazards of which you are unaware. For your safety and ours, these external company regulations apply to all persons who are not employees of MÜNCHENSTIFT.

These External Company Regulations must be observed while on the entire MÜNCHENSTIFT property and in all MÜNCHENSTIFT buildings.

General Information

These External Company Regulations are an integral part of all contracts for work and services concluded between MÜNCHENSTIFT and any contractor who enters MÜNCHENSTIFT's property.

The provisions of these External Company Regulations must be observed by the Contractor, its employees and the subcontractors and their employees engaged by it. They serve to ensure occupational, operational and plant safety on the premises of MÜNCHENSTIFT and to implement legal requirements. Compliance with these external company regulations is documented in the External Company Declaration.

Violations of these regulations or contractual agreements may result in the termination of the contractual relationship with MÜNCHENSTIFT and/or a reduction of the agreed service fees.


Contractor: The Contractor shall be fully responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory, and professional association requirements, as well as MÜNCHENSTIFT's corporate policies, in the performance of its services.

Authority to Issue Instructions: The instructions and recommendations of the persons listed below must be followed. The instructions apply only with respect to health and safety and not to the provision of personnel.

  • Principal
  • Facility Management
  • Health and Safety Officer
  • Fire Safety OfficerClient

Risk Assessment: Hazards and risks must be assessed by the contractor before work begins. Necessary protective measures must be taken and tested for effectiveness. The order of priority of the protective measures must be observed in accordance with the TOP principle. According to this principle, technical measures take precedence over organizational measures, and organizational measures take precedence over personal measures. The risk assessment shall be documented.

Instruction: Contractor shall instruct its employees in accordance with ArbSchG, BetrSichV, GefStoffV. The instructions must be documented in accordance with DGUV regulation 1 and kept available for inspection by the customer.

Registration: You must register with the reception staff before starting work. This will be documented in this logbook. All entries are treated confidentially in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act. Legal retention periods apply.

Working Environment: Before starting work, familiarize yourself with your work environment and answer the following questions in the event of an emergency:

  • Where are the exit doors and escape routes?
  • Where is the muster station?
  • Where are the first aid facilities located (e.g. first aid kit or first aiders)?
  • Where are fire extinguishers (e.g. fire extinguishers or hydrants) located?
  • Where can the alarm be raised (fire alarm or telephone)?

Signing out: When leaving the facility, you must sign out with the front desk staff. This also applies to the transport of materials and break times. The facility must be vacated by 17:00 at the latest. Exceptions must be agreed in writing with the client in advance.

Disposal: The Contractor is responsible for the disposal of the materials used and their packaging. He must dispose of them immediately. The use of MÜNCHENSTIFT's disposal containers is not permitted without the written consent of the Client.

Storage: Materials shall be stored only in locations agreed upon in advance with the Client. Corridors, stairwells, connecting, escape and rescue routes shall not be used for the storage of materials at any time.

Fire Safety: Support our fire safety efforts by exercising caution and care in activities that could cause fires. Before starting work, know the location of fire alarms, fire extinguishers, escape routes and muster points in the event of an alarm. Observe safety signs and escape and rescue plans.

  • Smoke and fire doors must be kept closed at all times.
  • Doors must not be jammed or blocked.
  • Welding, cutting, soldering, thawing, abrasive cutting and other fire/hot work must be approved in writing by the customer.
  • Compressed gas cylinders (e.g. acetylene and oxygen) must be closed after use and the lines depressurized.
  • Storage of highly flammable and oxidizing substances for more than one working day requires the approval of the Director of Plant Engineering.
  • At the end of the working day, all electrical equipment must be switched off and disconnected from the mains.
  • The ban on smoking and the use of naked flames must be strictly observed.

Flammable Work: Before starting welding, cutting, and related processes, obtain a fire hazard permit from the customer. Work that produces fumes or dust is hazardous to health and must be replaced with a lower-emission process (e.g., sawing instead of grinding). If smoke or dust emissions cannot be avoided, exhaust systems must be used. Most MÜNCHENSTIFT facilities are equipped with active smoke detectors. Smoke or dust emissions may trigger the smoke detectors. Smoke detection is automatically and directly reported to the local fire department. The cost of the fire department's response will be borne by the responsible party.

Damage Report: Any damage caused must be reported to the client immediately.

Accident, Fire and Alarm Response

Refer to the posted escape and rescue plans for instructions on what to do in the event of an accident or fire.

  • In the event of an alarm (audible signal or announcement), all work must be stopped immediately and any equipment still in operation must be shut down.
  • Go immediately to the muster stations.
  • Persons in need of assistance must be assisted if necessary.
  • The number of persons must be determined and reported to the client.
  • Follow the instructions of the emergency services.

Safety Measures

Follow the prepared risk assessment: Before starting work, be aware of fire and explosion hazards, exposure to hazardous materials, mechanical, electrical, and other hazards.

Personal Protective Equipment: Use the necessary and proper protective equipment (e.g., safety shoes, protective clothing, protective gloves, hard hat, hearing protection, or face shield) while working. The protective equipment must be free of defects, clean and ready for use. Work involving a risk of falling must not be performed unless suitable fall protection or protective equipment is available.

Work Equipment: Use only equipment suitable for the intended task. Observe warning signs and symbols on machines and equipment, as well as operating instructions. Use only inspected work equipment. The inspection intervals are indicated on the label on the work equipment. Work equipment (e.g. tools) that may pose a danger to persons must not be accessible to residents, customers and guests.

Existing Systems: Never open systems or parts of systems without the proper release and safety devices. Make sure the system is depressurized and drained. Secure the system against ingress of fluids. Work on electrical systems may only be performed after consultation with the person responsible for the system in question (e.g., foreman or qualified electrician) and after proper fusing. Make sure the system is properly disconnected. Ensure that systems are disconnected from the power supply and secured against reconnection.


Vehicles may only be parked in the designated and marked parking areas. Vehicles may only be driven on the MÜNCHENSTIFT premises and buildings as part of a service with the permission of the client. Only roadworthy and serviceable vehicles may be driven on the premises of MÜNCHENSTIFT.

The German Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) apply throughout the MÜNCHEN-STIFT premises, but it is not permitted to drive faster than walking pace. Anyone driving a motor vehicle must carry their driver's license and present it upon request of the site manager. Behave considerately and prudently towards other road users and people on all traffic routes - especially residents, customers and guests.

Maneuvering, loading and unloading outside the parking areas is only permitted with the consent of the client.

Continuous engine operation is not permitted.

Industrial Trucks: The use of forklifts requires the consent of the Customer.

Handling Hazardous Materials

Unauthorized persons - especially residents, customers and guests - must be prevented from accessing hazardous materials at all times. Hazardous materials provided or stored must be kept under lock and key at all times.

Hazardous substances may only be used in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance and the risk assessment. The priority of protective measures must be observed in accordance with the STOP principle. According to the STOP principle, the substitution principle must be given priority. (Lower-risk work materials are to be preferred to higher-risk work materials). In addition, technical measures take precedence over organizational measures, and organizational measures take precedence over personal measures.

The use of hazardous materials is permitted only if all necessary precautions have been taken in the event of an accident. Hazardous substances and their quantities must be reported to the customer before work begins.

The operating instructions for hazardous substances must be observed, taking into account all protective measures, and the safety data sheets must be kept available. The necessary protective equipment must be provided and used. Only suitable and marked containers must be used. Only the quantities of hazardous substances required for the progress of the work (daily consumption quantities) may be made available in the work area.

Environmental Compliance

MÜNCHENSTIFT is particularly committed to environmental protection and consistently aligns its business activities to avoid pollution and conserve resources. Environmental policy has a high priority within the company.

The following points must be observed when working in our company:

  • Conserve energy and water.
  • Use the most environmentally friendly products/resources possible.
  • Selection and use of environmentally friendly operating materials.
  • Reduce the amount of waste through waste prevention and waste separation.
  • Disposal of waste / rubble etc. in accordance with the law.

The following voluntary commitments must be included:

  • Commitment to environmental protection.
  • Commitment to comply with all legally binding obligations.
  • Avoidance of pollution.

External Company Declaration

Version: May 2024